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Oppassen: Kruiden en HIV

In een overzichtsartikel dat in 2008 verscheen, bleek dat veel HIV geinfecteerden naast de reguliere medicatie kruiden gebruiken, en andere vormen van alternatieve geneeskunde. Terwijl lichaamswerk e.d. geen problemen oplevert, zijn kruiden en supplementen soms een bron van problemen. Interacties, waardoor bijvoorbeeld de bloedspiegels van anti-HIV middelen niet meer goed zijn, en de behandeling dus suboptimaal. 

The use of herbal medicines and supplements was explored, and potentially adverse side effects or significant drug interactions with conventional therapies were identified. Results Of the 293 patients included, 61% (n=179) were taking herbal remedies or supplements and 35% (n=103) were using physical treatments. Twenty-seven per cent (n=80) used a combination of both. Twenty per cent (n=59) potentially compromised their HIV management through using CAM therapy.

Ten per cent (n=29) were advised to stop their CAMs and 15% (n=43) were made aware of potential drug interactions and adverse effects and were advised to monitor their care.

Conclusions There are potentially significant health risks posed by the concomitant use of CAMs in patients taking ARV therapy. Medical practitioners need to be able to identify CAM use in HIV-positive patients and recognize potential health risks. Patients should be encouraged to disclose CAM use to their clinicians and other healthcare professionals.

Altijd de huisarts op de hoogte brengen van het gebruik van supplementen en kruiden, bij gebruik naast de reguliere anti-HIV medicatie! [1][2]


[1] Ladenheim D, Horn O, Werneke U, Phillpot M, Murungi A, Theobald N, Orkin C. | Potential health risks of complementary alternative medicines in HIV patients. | HIV Med. | 2008 Oct;9(8):653-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-1293.2008.00610.x. Epub 2008 Jul 8.

[2] Werneke U, Earl J, Seydel C, Horn O, Crichton P, Fannon D. | Potential health risks of complementary alternative medicines in cancer patients. | Br J Cancer. | 2004 Jan 26;90(2):408-13.

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