Meta-analyse: hypnotherapie zinvol bij operaties
Er is erg veel onderzoek gedaan naar de effecten van hypnose voor en na operaties, en onderzoekers uit de prestigieuze Mount Sinai kliniek analyseerden al dat onderzoek. In totaal waren er 26 studies die in de meta-analyse betrokken werden, met in het totaal meer dan 2000 patienten. De resultaten waren indrukwekkend. Er was een duidelijke en significante positieve bijdrage van hypnose.De auteurs vatten de resultaten als volgt samen:
Results indicated an overall large effect size (ES) of 0.88 (95% CI = 0.57-1.19) in favour of hypnosis. Effect sizes differed significantly (p < 0.01) according to age (children benefitted to a greater extent than adults) and method of hypnosis delivery, but did not differ based on the control condition used (standard care vs. attention control).
Hypnose in opmars
Dat hypnose in opmars is, lezen we uit het volgende citaat:
Psychological approaches to symptom management are among the oldest and are an intrinsic part of medical practice in every culture. Hypnosis under various names has been used for as long as records have been kept, and suggestive therapy of all kinds is probably the oldest of all therapeutic approaches. The acceptability and use of hypnosis has waxed and waned over the years, but recently a renewed interest has been sparked in researchers and clinicians, with many exciting developments in the field. (Bron: Contemporary Hypnosis 1 Contemp. Hypnosis 26(1): 1–3 (2009) Christina Liossi, Enrica L. Santarcangelo, Mark P. Jensen: BURSTING THE HYPNOTIC BUBBLE: DOES HYPNOTIC ANALGESIA WORK AND IF YES HOW?)
Vervolgens voegen de auteurs in die editorial dan ook toe dat:
Hypnosis has several attractive features. It is safe and does not produce adverse effects or drug interactions. Patients enjoy the hypnotic experience. They obtain relief without destructive or unpleasant effects. There is no reduction of normal function or mental capacity and no development of tolerance to the hypnotic effect. It is a skill which individuals can learn easily that provides a personal sense of mastery and control over problems, and counters feelings of helplessness and powerlessness.
A benefi cial change in attitude towards pain also fosters a sense of control. An additional benefi t is that hypnosis can be generalized to many distressing circum- stances. The person who learns hypnosis for pain management may apply their skills to manage nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy, insomnia, anxiety, etc.
Moreover, hypnosis is an opportunity for the clinician to be inventive, spontaneous and playful, and to build a stronger therapeutic relationship with an individual, particularly children, while providing symptom relief.
[1] Schnur JB, Kafer I, Marcus C, Montgomery GH. | HYPNOSIS TO MANAGE DISTRESS RELATED TO MEDICAL PROCEDURES: A META-ANALYSIS. | Contemp Hypn. | 2008 Aug 21;25(3-4):114-128.