Een enorme ayurvedische databank
Europese octrooionderzoekers hebben sinds kort toegang tot een uitgebreide Indiase databank van alle traditionele medische remedies. Zo weten zij zeker dat geen octrooi wordt verleend op geneesmiddelen en behandelingen die in het Indiase gezondheidssysteem al jarenlang traditioneel worden toegepast. Aldus het Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde,Voorbeeld: Siddha
Siddha Medicine is an ancient system of medicine which is also a scientifically based science by its concepts and approaches. Basically, this system insists to achieve the perfection in the body and the mind. One who has attained the perfection in all the aspects called as Siddhar. Siddhars said the basic concepts and treatment regimen. Hence, one can call the Siddha System of Medicine are a Perfect Medicine.
In Siddha System of Medicine the patients are approached by the physician both physically and mentally.
About Siddha
Siddha means “Perfection in the life”. It is a traditional system of medicine in South India , especially from the Dravidian base of Tamil speaking people preached by Lord Siva to his followers called Siddhars.
According to Tamil literature, Siddham means mind, Siddha means achievements. Achievement is the net result of reaching the goal. Framing the goal depends on individuals mind, the basic concept of Siddha is that “ unave marunthu, marunthe unavu ”. That is treating the disease with the diet which is under the normal practice.
The diagnosis in Siddha mainly based on the naadi ( pulse) . Even the patient is unconscious, through naadi, one can confirm the disease and initiate the line of treatment with the help of Mukkutram, which are Vaatham, Pitham, Kabam. .one can also confirm this by the lines of great saint Thiruvalluvar“Noi naadi noi mudhal naadi, adhu thanikkum vaai naadi vaippa seyal .” This implies diagnosis of the disease, cause of the disease, and the line of treatment of the disease.
For the prevention of diseases Siddhars framed some rules and regulations which are to be followed in day to day life, called by Siddhars as Naalozhukkam(daily regimen) Kaalaozhukkam (seasonal regimen). This helps in maintaining the wellness of ones body as well as useful in the maintenance of mental fitness. This helps to adapt oneself to the surroundings, which teaches the rule “survival of the fittest .”
Siddha Medicine – It’s Uniqeness
One of the uniqueness of the Siddha system is diagnosing the diseases with eight criteria ( Envagai thervu) .
Naa (Tongue):
It plays a vital role in diagnosing the disease. By examining the tongue one can assess the status of the patient.
Niram (Colour):
By this one can assess the patient’s general conditions like vellupu [deficiency of haemoglobin], neelampaarithal [cyanosis], kaamaalai[ jaundice], and other conditions.
Mozhi (Speech):
By assessing the speech of the patient one can review the following features like:
1) tone
2) language and also we can assess the motor function of tongue
Vizhi (Eyes):
By assessing the eyes of the patient one can assess the following characteristics like:
1 ) movements of eyelid
2 ) whether anaemia or jaundice or cyanosis
Malam (Motion):
By examining the motion , by its colour, nature of stools, consistency. By this one can evaluate the diseases like jaundice, intestinal infections, foreign body in the intestines, etc.
Moothiram (Urine):
By examining the urine by its amount, colour, deposits. etc one can diagnose various diseases like jaundice, urinary tract infections, etc.
Naadi (Pulse):
This is the prime factor in the examination. By this one can assess the disease, with its nature and severity without the help of the patient.