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LSD en geneeskunde: eerste stappen

Eind 2007 kreeg een onderzoeker uit Zwitserland, de arts Peter Gasser, toestemming om LSD in te zetten als therapie. De titel van zijn onderzoek luidt:

LSD assisted psychotherapy in persons suffering from anxiety associated with advanced-stage life threatening diseases.

Dit is de eerste keer sinds 1972 dat er weer wetenschappelijke aandacht geschonken wordt aan LSD. In de USA is in 2008 aan de universiteit van Harvard een project gestart om patienten met een enorm ernstige vorm van hoofdpijn, cluster headache, waar we niets voor hebben, te behandelen met psilocybine (uit de magische paddestoel) of LSD. Aan het einde van dit artikel een overzicht van al het LSD onderzoek dat in de wereld loopt. Heel voorzichtig....

Albert Hofmann ontdekte LSD in 1943 en het onderzoek lag in de eerste decennia in de handen van wetenschappers en artsen. LSD hielp om een geheel nieuwe visie te ontwikkelen op ons bewustzijn en op ziektes zoals schizofrenie. Deze documentaire laat zien hoe LSD, voordat de westerse wereld deze stof criminaliseerde, een enorme impact had op de geneeskunde en de psychologie. Ook bleek LSD een grote invloed te hebben op de persoonlijke levens van diegenen die het innamen. Deze documentaire is in 2008 op youtube gezet en is een uniek document.

Het is anno 2008 tijd om de psychedelica opnieuw te bekijken, vanuit de gedachte dat waar grote geesten in het verleden, zoals Aldeous Huxley, het zelfs op hun sterfbed namen, we momenteel iets missen in onze visie op dit soort stoffen. En dr Hofmann, de ontdekker van LSD, nam de laatste keer deze stof op 97 jarige leeftijd! (Hij werd 102). 







Dan is er ook nog een negendelige serie over de mystiek van de LSD ervaring, waarvan dit de eerste is:


Een van de eerste sprekers hier is Huxley, die aangeeft dat LSD voor mensen met vooringenomen gedachten een bijzondere rol kan spelen, om buiten de bekende paden van denken te treden. Voor en tegenstanders over LSD komen aan bod.

Psychedelica, of entheogenen, zoals deze stoffen ook wel genoemd worden, zijn voor de geneeskunde van veel grotere waarde dan we nu denken. Door 40 jaar gecriminaliseerd te zijn, terwijl iedereen op de hoek wel een fles sterke drank kan kopen,  is de waarde ervan voor de psychologie, de psychiatrie en de transpersoonlijke staten van zijn, geheel buiten ons blikveld komen te liggen. 

Anno 2008 is het tijd om ons opnieuw te orienteren op dit gebied. Er zijn auteurs die menen dat de ervaringen die door entheogenen of psychedelica ontstaan, zelfs positieve effecten hebben op het immuunsysteem. [1] De baby weggooien met het waswater? Herorientatie op dit thema is hard nodig. Door te luisteren naar de geleerden van het eerste uur, wordt de potentiële waarde van deze stoffen weer ongefilterd duidelijk.  

Recent is in ieder geval een studie van start gegaan, en we citeren een ingezonden brief uit 2008:

SIR — Your obituary on Albert Hofmann, the inventor of lysergic acid diethylamide, suggested that research into LSD stopped in the 1970s and never resumed (May 10th).

Actually, a protocol evaluating LSD-assisted psychotherapy in people with anxiety related to end-of-life issues was approved in Switzerland last year.

This is the first scientific controlled study of the therapeutic potential of the drug in more than 36 years. Mr Hofmann spoke about the Swiss approval as "the fulfilment of my heart’s desire."

The first LSD session in that study took place recently.Furthermore, to set the record straight, Mr Hofmann took LSD for the last time when he was 97 years old. (Experimenting with LSD. By: Dobun, Rick, Economist, 00130613, 5/31/2008, Vol. 387, Issue 8582)

LSD: het eerste experiment van Hofmann

Omdat Albert Hofmann  de eerste wetenschapper was, die LSD ook innam en beschreef, volgt hier een unieke beschrijving van zijn ervaring, zoals dat in een vrij onbekend tijdschrift gepubliceerd werd in 1969. 

The synthesis of d-lysergic acid diethylamide, namely the purification and the removal of the inactive isomer, d-isolysergic acid diethylamide, by columnar chromatography.

In the course of this work the author experienced a remarkable but not unpleasant state of intoxication which lasted for 2-3 hours and was characterised by extraordinarily intense stimulation of the imagination and an altered awareness of the world around him. On closing his eyes he saw a succession of fantastic, rapidly changing images of a striking reality and depth, alternating with a vivid, kaleidoscopic play of colours.

The nature and course of this condition gave reason to suspect that it might have been due to a trace of the substance with which the author had been working on that particular day. With this in mind he ingested a quantity of the suspected compound, d-lysergic acid diethyl- amide, three days later on 19 April 1943, by way of a personal experiment.

Since the free base was very poorly soluble in water, the readily soluble, easily crystallised tartrate was prepared for this purpose. This preparation, d-lysergic acid diethyl- amide tartrate subsequently became widely known as LSD-25.

The dose of 0.25 mg was regarded as the smallest which might be expected to elicit any effect. At that time no substance was known which exhibited clearly marked activity in such a minute dose. The plan was to increase the dose systematically, thereby cautiously exploring the suspected psychotropic activity of the compound. However, it so happened that 0.25 mg, though a minute quantity, was still a gross overdosage.

This may be gathered from the entry, made only with great difficulty in the laboratory notebook 40 minutes after ingestion: ‘Onset of dizziness, feeling of anxiety, visual disturbances, paralysis, urge to laugh!’  Received 23 June 1969 en het verscheen in:  

Agents and Actions, vol. 1/3 (1970) In connection with the section on scientific autographs, ‘Agents and Actions’ will occasionally publish personal accounts and documents of important contributions to pharmacology. We have asked Dr. A. Hofmann, who discovered LSD and the ‘remarkable, but not unpleasant state of intoxication’ it may cause, to initiate this series. (Ed. Agents and Actions)  

Overzicht van LSD onderzoek, bron: MAPS

LSD-assisted psychotherapy for 12 people with anxiety related to life-threatening illness
Investigator: Peter Gasser MD
Sponsor: MAPS
Contact: Peter Gasser MD 
This research will study the safety and efficacy of LSD-assisted psychotherapy in reducing anxiety arising from diagnosis with a serious illness and limited life expectancy, to be conducted in 12 subjects in Switzerland by Dr. Peter Gasser. The protocol was reviewed and approved by the ethics board and was reviewed and cleared by Swissmedic, the Swiss Food and Drug Agency, and has been reviewed and cleared by BAG, the agency akin to the US Drug Enforcement Administration
Last updated: Tue Jan 15 2008


Read this letter from MAPS researcher Peter Gasser discussing his recently approved Swiss LSD-End of life study.

Receptor Profiles of Lysergamides related to LSD
Investigator: David E. Nichols, PhD
Purdue University – West Lafayette, IN
Contact: David E. Nichols PhD
Sponsor: Heffter, Promind
Laboratory research, no human or animal subjects. It is well known that the nature of the amide function of lysergamides is critical to conferring activity and high potency onto these molecules. The N,N-diethylamide (LSD) is unique among all the known amides, both for the qualitative aspects of its effects and for its extremely high potency.This project is evaluating a series of lysergamides of varying amide structure using radioligand competition studies at cloned human brain neurotransmitter receptors expressed in cell lines. The project seeks to identify in these data the possible reasons for the high degree of variability in activity of the various amides. That is, is there a specific subset of receptors to which LSD binds that less potent lysergamides do not? In addition, intracellular signaling pathways are being examined to determine whether all lysergamides activate the same intracellular biochemical events. 

Last updated: Wed Apr 9 2003


Psilocybin and LSD in the treatment and prevention of cluster headaches
Investigators: Dr. John Halpern
Location: Harvard Medical School, McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA.
Sponsor: ClusterBusters
Contact: John Halpern, MD
MAPS was approached in early 2004 by Bob Wold, a cluster headache patient advocate (, who has collected more than 50 case reports of people reporting very positive results in breaking cluster headache cycles and delaying the reoccurrance of cluster headaches through using psilocybin or LSD. At present, there are some medications that are used to stop cluster headaches, which are more severe than migraines, but they are not fully effective in many patients, and they do not prevent the cycling course of cluster headaches.

Marsha and David Weil have donated $50,000 for this research effort and Joseph Leonard has donated $2,000. An estimated $250,000 in addition is being sought to support this clinical trial. Potential donors can contact Bob Wold at Clusterbusters for more information. The effort to design and obtain approval for a study will be led by Dr. John Halpern at Harvard Medical School. Protocol development is still underway. Dr. Sewell and Halpern have completed and published a case series of people with cluster headaches who used psilocybin or LSD to treat their condition. 
Last updated: Mon Dec 3 2007




Since the discovery of the psychoactive effects of LSD in 1943, over 1000 papers have been published on a huge range of effects of LSD in humans and animals. See thePsychedelic Bibliography for more on these studies. You may also view references from Torsten Passie’s psychedelic/psycholytic therapy database, also accessible through the psychedelic bibliography. To view this collection, either search "entire collection," or use "Expert search" and type "passie" as the requested database. 

Follow-up study of Bastiaans LSD therapy
Investigators: Nicole Maalste, Hans Ossebaard
Utrecht, Netherlands
Contact: Nicole Maalste, PhD
Sponsor: MAPS, Promind Foundation
Retrospective survey study with former clients who were treated with drug therapy by Dr. Jan Bastiaans. Data collection and analysis for pilot study completed. Funding sought for further research. 
Last updated: Mon Mar 25 2002


Psycholytic Therapy with MDMA and LSD in Switzerland
Zurich, Switzerland
Investigators: Marianne Bloch, MD, Jurai Styk, MD and Dr. Samuel Widmer, MD
Sponsor: Swiss Medical Society for Psycholytic Therapy
From 1988 to 1993 therapists with the Swiss Medical Society for Psycholytic Therapy worked with MDMA and LSD as adjuncts to psychotherapy. The findings from this study were published in the MAPS Bulletin, Winter 1994- 95. Drs. Juraj and Sonja Styk discussed this work at the 1999 MAPS MDMA symposium in Israel. Read their talkview video 
Last updated: Fri Jan 14 2000

A Critical Review of Theories and Research Concerning Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) and Mental Health
Investigator: David Abrahart 
Contact: David Abrahart
A critical research literature review concerning LSD and mental health. In particular it concentrates on flashbacks, precipitated psychoses and therapeutic uses. Read it 
Last updated: Wed Aug 25 1999

Follow-up study of Janiger LSD research
Investigators: Rick Doblin, Jerry Beck, PhD, Kate Obata, Maureen Alioto
Los Angeles Area, California
Contact MAPS Information
Sponsor: MAPS
Retrospective survey study with 45 people who participated in the LSD research of Dr. Oscar Janiger between 1954 and 1962. The Janiger LSD Follow-up Study was published by MAPS. 
Last updated: Sun May 9 1999




– Stephan A.M. Snelders, LSD en de psychiatrie in Nederland (dissertatie VU Amsterdam 1999)

– Stephan Snelders, LSD-therapie in Nederland. De experimenteel-psychiatrische benadering van J. Bastiaans, G.W. Arendsen Hein en C.H. van Rhijn ( eind april 2000 verschenen)

– Wim Wennekes, Allemaal rottigheid, allemaal ellende: het KZ-syndroom van Willem van Salland. Aangrijpende verslagen van zes LSD-zittingen, geleid door de Leidse psychiater prof. dr J. Bastiaans, die samen met een verzetsman het spoor terug volgde naar ’toen’ (Amsterdam 1975)

– J.N. Schreuder, A.J. de Ridder (eds), Veraf en dichtbij. De actualiteit van het traumatisch verleden. Symposium bij het vertrek/afscheid van prof. dr J. Bastiaans (Oegstgeest/Utrecht 1992)



[1] Roberts TB. | Do entheogen-induced mystical experiences boost the immune system? Psychedelics, peak experiences, and wellness. | Adv Mind Body Med. | 1999 Spring;15(2):139-47.

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