Acupunctuur bij angst: overzicht
In het tijdschrift Acupuncture in Medicine (2007) staat een mooi overzicht van de studies die gedaan zijn op het gebied van de behandeling van angst. Er zijn diverse positieve studies waaruit blijkt dat acupunctuur zinvol kan zijn bij de behandeling van angst.De conclusie is echter voorzichtig, zoals bij alle hedendaagse vormen van meta-analyse. We laten de schrijvers aan het woord:[1]
Positive findings are reported for acupuncture in the treatment of generalised anxiety disorder or anxiety neurosis but there is currently insufficient research evidence for firm conclusions to be drawn. No trials of acupuncture for other anxiety disorders were located. There is some limited evidence in favour of auricular acupuncture in perioperative anxiety.
Overall, the promising findings indicate that further research is warranted in the form of well designed, adequately powered studies.
Eich H, Agelink MW, Lehmann E, Lemmer W, Klieser E. Acupuncture in patients with minor depression or generalized anxiety disorders – Results of an experimental study]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr.2000;68(3);137-44.
Liu GZ, Zang YJ, Guo LX, Liu AZ. Comparative study on acupuncture combined with behavioural desensitisation for treatment of anxiety neuroses. Am J Acupunct 1998;26(2- 3):117-20.
Liu G, Zhang Y, Liu A. Observation of the curative effect of acu-moxibustion plus systematic desensitization on anxiety neurosis. Shanghai J Acupuncture Moxibustion 1998;17(4):17-8.
Chao-Ying Wet al. The electroacupuncture treatment of 20 cases of anxiety disorder. Hunan Journal of Chinese Medicine 2003;3:26. (abstracted and translated by Wolfe HL. Anxiety Disorder & Electroacupuncture. Blue Poppy Press 2003).
Zhang H, Zeng Z, Deng H. Acupuncture treatment for 157 cases of anxiety neurosis. J Tradit Chin Med 2003;23(1):55-6. Lanza U. The contribution of acupuncture to clinical psychotherapy by means of biofeedback (EMG-BFB) training. Acupunct Electrother Res 1986;11(1):53-7.
Zhou ZH, Yu WY, Wu ZH, Wu BX, Dai XY.[Clinical Observation on Treatment of Anxiety Neurosis with Combined Acupuncture and Medicine]. Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 2003; 22(6):9-10.
Kober A, Scheck T, Schubert B, Strasser H, Gustorff B, Bertalanffy P, et al. Auricular acupressure as a treatment for anxiety in prehospital transport settings. Anesthesiology 2003;98(6):1328-32.
Lewis GB. An alternative approach to premedication: comparing diazepam with auriculotherapy and a relaxation method. Am J Acupunct 1987;15(3):205-14.
Kessler RC, Soukup J, Davis RB, Foster DF, Wilkey SA, Van Rompay MI et al. The use of complementary and alternative therapies to treat anxiety and depression in the United States. Am J Psychiatry 2001;158(2):289-94.
Rainone F. Acupuncture for mental health. In: Muskin PR, editor. Complementary and alternative medicine and psychiatry. (Review of Psychiatry, Vol 19). Washington: American Psychiatric Press; 2000. p. 67-105. ARRC (Acupuncture Research Resource Centre). Depression, Anxiety and Acupuncture. Briefing paper no 9 2002.
Jorm AF, Christensen H, Griffiths KM, Parslow RA, Rodgers B, Blewitt KA. Effectiveness of complementary and self-help treatments for anxiety disorders. Med J Aust 2004;181(7 Suppl):S29-46.
Wang SM, Kain ZN. Auricular acupuncture: a potential treatment for anxiety. Anesth Analg 2001;92(2):548-53.
Wang SM, Peloquin C, Kain ZN. The use of auricular acupuncture to reduce preoperative anxiety. Anesth Analg 2001;93(5):1178-80.
Wang SM, Maranets I, Weinberg ME, Caldwell-Andrews AA, Kain ZN. Parental auricular acupuncture as an adjunct for parental presence during induction of anesthesia. Anesthesiology 2004;100(6):1399-404.
[1] Pilkington K, Kirkwood G, Rampes H, Cummings M, Richardson J. | Acupuncture for anxiety and anxiety disorders -a systematic literature review. | Acupunct Med. | 2007 Jun: 25(1-2):1-10.