Topkliniek in Amerika biedt hypnose en acupunctuur aan bij bevallingen
Waarom blijven we in Nederland zo steken in de ontwikkeling? Waarom luisteren we nog steeds niet naar de patient, ondanks dat de patient al decaden zogenaamd centraal staat in het zorgproces. Laten we nu eens eindelijk onze koers bijsturen. Leerstoelen aan universiteiten en complementaire behandelvormen daar waar de consument dat graag wil. Dan besparen we bovendien kosten, dat is inmiddels duidelijk.
Misschien ook iets voor de politiek om dit te gaan beseffen, in de post-Hoogervorst periode die aanbreekt.
Hier een stukje Amerikaanse visie, dat we integraal overnemen:
Labor pain: Hypnosis, acupuncture and reflexology
Labor is a natural — although challenging — process. How you choose to manage the pain is largely up to you.
Many women opt for relaxation exercises, breathing techniques or medication. But the choices don’t end there. With the help of an expert, you may want to try something nontraditional.
Hypnosis is a focused state of concentration that allows you to relax your body, guide your thoughts and control your breathing. Hypnosis doesn’t stop the pain of contractions. It’s simply a state of mind that may help you ride the wave of each contraction and trust in your body’s ability to give birth.
You can learn self-hypnosis techniques — such as repeating positive statements to yourself, concentrating on vivid imagery or listening to a recording of verbal affirmations — through private lessons or specialized childbirth classes.
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that dates back more than 2,000 years. It’s based on the theory that energy flows through the body in channels known as meridians. Stimulating specific areas close to the skin — known as acupuncture points — with hair-thin needles is thought to correct imbalances or disruptions in this energy flow.
Scientists haven’t confirmed the presence of energy channels. But there’s good news for women who struggle with morning sickness. Acupuncture may help treat nausea and vomiting.
There may be benefits during labor as well. Acupuncture may help you feel more relaxed and in control — and better able to handle the pain. The placement of the needles may depend on how your labor is progressing and what type of pain you’re experiencing.
Reflexology can be traced back thousands of years to Egypt, China and India. With this practice, pressure is applied to specific parts of the body — usually the soles of the feet — for an intended therapeutic effect on other parts of the body.
Scientists haven’t found evidence to support the theories of reflexology. Some women find it helpful, however. During pregnancy, reflexology may help relieve muscle tension and promote relaxation. Some women use it to manage conditions such as ankle swelling.
During labor, applying pressure or strokes to specific points on your feet — just below the ankle bone on the inside and outside of the foot, for example — is said to stimulate the pituitary gland to release hormones that speed labor and reduce pain.
Do these techniques really work?
There’s little scientific evidence proving the effectiveness of these techniques for managing labor pain. Some women have reported shorter, less painful childbirth experiences thanks to hypnosis. Other studies have found promising evidence for the use of acupuncture and reflexology during labor, but further research is needed.
In the meantime, work with your health care provider to determine whether any of these techniques may be right for you. Remember that you can combine complementary treatments with other methods of pain relief — including medication.
Selecting a practitioner
If you choose to try a complementary therapy, carefully explore the options.
- Start with your health care provider. Discuss your preferences with your health care provider. Set appropriate expectations for the role a complementary treatment may play in your birth experience.
- Find a practitioner who has experience with pregnant women. Your health care provider may offer a referral, or a list of practitioners may be available through your health insurance company or a local hospital or medical school. The city, county or state health department may connect you with regulatory agencies or licensing boards for various types of complementary therapies.
- Ask plenty of questions. Where were you trained? What are your credentials? Are you licensed? Do you have other certifications? What is your experience with pregnant women? What are your views on childbirth and managing labor pain? What can I expect with this type of therapy? What is your role during labor?
- Verify the cost. Even with insurance coverage, you may be responsible for some — or all — of the practitioner’s charges.
- Gauge your comfort level. Did the practitioner answer your questions? Does the technique seem reasonable? Do you share similar expectations for labor and delivery? Is the cost appropriate?
The choice is yours
There’s no right way to have a baby. Sometimes, you won’t know what kind of pain relief you want until you’re in labor. Discuss your preferences with your health care provider ahead of time — but keep an open mind. Trust your health care provider to help you make the best choices as your labor progresses.