Fytotherapie bronnen
Fytotherapie tijdschriften
- NTvF (NL) Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Fytotherapie
- Medline (NLM = National Library of Medicine – US)
- Public library of science
- Gateway(NLM-National Institute of Health – US)
- Medical Herbalism (UK)
- Diverse Pharmacognosy Journals
- Diverse Ethnobotany Journals
Wetenschappelijke fytotherapie instellingen
- Europ Pharmacopea (UK)
- GA(D/UK) Society for Medicinal Plant Research (D/UK) Society for Medicinal Plant Research
- Herbal Research Foundation (UK)
- American Botanical Council (UK)
- ICMAP (Foundation) (UK) International council for medicinal and aromatic plants
- Office of dietary supplements (USA)