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CAM students platform

Granulla is the rural students platform that deals with the increasing of knowledge about complementary and alternative medicine at the (medical) student. The association consists of a group students who consider that a health care professional should be able to apply different modes of therapies in a professional manner to consider. Knowledge about the various therapies, the efficacy and safety of it, it is required to inform the patient adequately and be able to give advice. In their objectives and put the emphasis on encouraging a critical, open and respectful attitude to the therapies, providers and users of the treatment, connect strong with Granulla foundation IOCOB.

Granulla is the rural students platform for and by (medical) students and other interested students with the intention: introduce (medical) students in an open and critical way to non-regular treatments so that consider the application of different treatments in a professional manner. Additionally, the association does promote a critical, open and respectful attitude to the therapies, providers and users of the treatment.



  1. Christophe van Dijken schreef:

    Het is bijzonder om zoiets over je eigen overkoepelende studentenvereniging te mogen lezen, zeker nu Granulla en de lokale studentenwerkgroepen het zeer zwaar hebben met het werven van geinteresseerde (medische) studenten. Het is namelijk in beroerd engels, wellicht “rural” engels.
    Inderdaad “rural” heeft in het woordenboek naast “plattelands” ook “landelijk” als betekenis staan, maar dan toch zeker niet bedoeld als nationaal. Overigens is de rest van de tekst vol van taalfouten, vreemd geknipte/geplakte zinnen met hiaten en herhalingen. Please don’t do this to Granulla!

    Vriendelijke groeten van de penningmeester van Spectrum Latum, de Nijmeegse studentenwerkgroep van Granulla.

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